The first Community Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting for the development of ‘Parcel D’ of the Scherer site on the Northeast Minneapolis riverfront will take place tomorrow night, Thursday, Nov. 10, 7-8:30 pm at Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) headquarters, 2117 West River Road.
Any interested members of the public are encouraged to attend any CAC meeting. At the meeting tomorrow, CAC members will introduce themselves and review a Request for Qualifications from development teams that will be opened this winter.
The Scherer site contains 11 acres of riverfront land that will be developed with both parkland and commercial elements to help offset operating costs. The former lumberyard, located just north of the Plymouth Avenue Bridge along the Northeast Minneapolis riverfront, was purchased by the MPRB in 2010. Parcel D occupies the northeast corner of the site.
Scherer Bros Site Concept Plan
The CAC will help select a private development team for Parcel D. The 15-person roster [PDF]is comprised of nine appointees chosen by MPRB commissioners (one per commissioner), one chosen by the Ward 3 City Council Member and another by the St. Anthony West Neighborhood Organization, and four MPRB staff selections.
Public Meeting
CAC Meeting #5
Date: May 9, 2017
Time: 6-8 pm
Agenda: Recommendation of development concept to Board of Commissioners