Where to vote
For 2020, Minneapolis has added two precincts (in Wards 3 and 10), and three polling places have been relocated (in Wards 4 and 5). Please doublecheck your polling location prior to voting in 2020.
On Election Day, you must vote at your assigned polling place based on the precinct where you live. All polling places are open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m.
Find my Polling Place
Tips for using the Polling Place Finder
Enter your Zip Code – the zip code option narrows the list of streets more than selecting Hennepin County
- Type in 5-digit zip code and click Go.
- Enter your residential house number. Don’t press Enter or click Go until you select your street!
- Select street name from drop-down and click Go.
- View Polling Place information including:
- Ward and Precinct number
- Name and address of polling place
- Map options of polling place location
- Districts for your precinct, including maps of those precincts
- Sample Ballot for the precinct when available
If you have a question about this Polling Place Finder, contact Elections & Voter Services.
See a list of all polling locations in Minneapolis here.
During the period for absentee voting, all voters can choose to cast a ballot by mail or at a designated in-person voting location. Learn more about options for voting early by absentee ballot.