

Win More on BettorEdge!

The Premier Social Betting Marketplace, where you bet with or against other bettors in the community!

As individual avid sports bettors we recognized a problem with prior solutions, where too much money was being lost in house-favored lines, deposit fees, withdrawal fees, and inability to withdraw funds when needed. It was clear technology allowed for an enhanced platform that put the bettor at the center of that experience.
In early 2019, the BettorEdge team beat stiff competition to win SportRadar’s first US innovation challenge based on their vision of a fair betting platform that allowed users to form communities that aligned with their natural betting tendencies at a lower cost. Following the competition, BettorEdge joined SportRadar’s accelerator program and formed a key partnership to obtain essential data that powered a seamless betting experience.
With initial launch of the platform, BettorEdge is excited to create the first seamless betting community powered by live data and centered on the bettor experience! We’ve continued to take bettor feedback and incorporate into the platform for future users!

Address and Contact Information

718 N Washington Avenue
Mpls, MN 55401

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