Zach Stofferahn is appealing the decision of the City Planning Commission to approve the following land use applications for the property located at 419 Washington Ave N:
This matter will receive an additional public hearing before the Zoning and Planning Committee of the Minneapolis City Council on Thursday, May 4, 2017 at 9:30 A.M in Room 317 City Hall, 350 S 5th St. You are invited to attend and be heard.
For further information or to express support or concern, contact:
Hilary Dvorak, Principal Planner
250 South 4th St Room 300, Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone (612) 673-2639 Fax (612) 673-2526
The meeting site is wheelchair accessible. For other reasonable accommodations, such as a sign language interpreter or materials in alternative format, please contact 612-673-3710 (673-2157 TTY/VOICE) at least five days prior to the meeting.