RE: 424 Washington Avenue North
Jennifer Kaplan of Mohagen Hansen Architecture has applied for the following applications to allow for enclosed, underground parking at 424 Washington Avenue North, accessed from 5th Ave N. This property is located in the Minneapolis Warehouse Historic District:
The Heritage Preservation Commission will meet on Tuesday, August 21, 2018, at 4:30 p.m., in Room 317 City Hall, 350 South 5th Street, Minneapolis, MN. Interested parties are invited to attend and be heard. Planning Department staff will issue a recommendation to the Heritage Preservation Commission. After hearing from the public, the Heritage Preservation Commission will make a determination based on required legal findings of fact. Please visit for the agenda with staff reports (web page will be updated by the end of the day Monday prior to the meeting date).
In accordance with the Preservation Ordinance, all property owners within 350 feet of the subject property are notified of this public hearing. If you have questions about the project, please contact the City staff person listed below. If you would like to submit comments, you may make them verbally at the meeting or submit them in writing to:
Shanna Sether, Principal City Planner
250 South 4th Street, #300, Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone: 612.673.2307 • 612.673.2526 • Email:
The meeting site is wheelchair accessible; if you need other disability related accommodations, such as a sign language interpreter or materials in alternative format; please contact 612-673-3153 at least five days prior to the meeting.
Attention: If you want help translating this information, call – Hmong – Ceeb toom, Yog koi xav tau kev pab txhais cov xov no rau koj dawb, hu 612-673-2800; Spanish – Atencion. Si desea recibir asistencia gratuita para traducer esta informacion, llama 612-673-2700; Somali – Ogow. Haddii aad dooneyso in lagaa kaalmeeyo tarjamadda macluumaadkani oo lacag la’ aan wac 612-673-3500.