Spring 2016 – Open Studios and Exhibition at Traffic Zone Center for Visual Arts
The public is invited to spend time with Traffic Zone artists and their guests in the studios where they dream, create and work. See new work made in ceramics, drawing, installation, painting, photography, printmaking and sculpture. The art is for sale — the experience is free and open to the public.
Parking is available on-street and adjacent lots and ramps.
Traffic Zone Open Studio Artists include:
Harriet Bart, Bruce Hudson-Bogaard, Kristie Bretzke, Perci Chester, David Collins, Lisa Colwell, Jim Conaway, Jim Dryden, Jil Evans, Bette Globus Goodman, Bonnie Heller, Vesna Kittelson, Paul Kwok, Lisa Nankivil, Jon Neuse, Howard Oransky, Steve Ozone, Rebecca Pavlenko, Patrick Pryor, Jodi Reeb, Wilbur “Chip” Schilling, Harold Stone, Jantje Visscher
Guest Artists
Lisa Colwell studio hosts the Minnesota Figure Study Collaborative. Jantje Visscher studio hosts Ann Ginsburgh Hofkin and Jo-Anne Kirkman.
Traffic Zone Center for Visual Art Mission
Traffic Zone Center for Visual Art provides visual artists with stable, affordable and safe studio space in which to pursue their art, teach workshops, classes, and individual students; creates an expanded audience for the visual arts in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area by providing access to artists’ studios, conducting scheduled studio tours, and providing access to the public through open studio events; provides a supportive interactive community for artists with an atmosphere conducive to artistic growth; educates the general public regarding the visual arts through presentations and educational workshops; and develops associations and undertakes cooperative programs with other persons or organizations having similar purposes.
Featured Painting by Jil Evans
Inside Sensation IX