Fashion, Art And A New North Loop Monument At Graze Event
An outdoor event at Graze this Wednesday, June 1st, will be part fashion show, part music festival and part live art exhibition.
And one of the artists will be putting finishing touches on a new 6-foot North Loop monument that will start appearing around the neighborhood, promoting local businesses and artists.
The event is called Retrograde. And while some events on the front lawn will be free, those with the best views of all the activities will be in the VIP section on the rooftop patio. Tickets include drink vouchers, gift cards and a swag bag.
“We wanted to showcase the local creative talent and so we reached out to a local designer, Mike Byers from Energy Gear,” said Stasi Leahy, marketing director at Graze. “He was also on that same wavelength, like how do we pull more of the community in? So instead of it just being a fashion show, there’s going to be an artists exhibition from 4-6 out in the yard, and there will be live paintings, musicians, some yard games and drink specials.”
The new North Loop sculpture will feature the letters “nl” on a lighted plexiglass base. Leahy said instead of placing this sculpture at one permanent location, it will periodically show up at different parts of the neighborhood, with QR codes attached to it highlighting local businesses and artists.
The fashion show will feature five different designers. The VIP area opens at 7:00 but other events on the front lawn begin at 4:00. For more information, check out the Graze social media accounts.
By Mike Binkley, North Loop volunteer