North Loop Businesses Cashing In On Barbie Hype
Expect to see a lot of pink around the North Loop Saturday, July 29th, as Inbound BrewCo, Graze, The Loop and Basement Bar host a Barbie Bar Crawl with Barbie-inspired drinks and glam bags.
Meanwhile, Profeshie (the studio above Black Sheep Pizza) has its own Barbie Dream House set up for photo shoots–everything from pink umbrellas, inflatable flamingoes and a surfboard to a life-size Barbie toy box.
“For the month of July and August, any shoot can be our standard shoot or they can do Barbie theme,” said Profeshie owner Kyle Ingebrigtson.

Profeshie owner Kyle Ingebrigtson, right, as Ken
The night before the movie premiered, Profeshie co-hosted a big pink party with another North Loop business, Sip ‘N Bloom, which does flower-arranging workshops.

David Kisan, left, decorating a Vespa
“Just look around, Barbie is all around us right now,” said company owner David Kisan. “We’re keeping pink on our bloom bar until autumn. You’re gonna see tons of beautiful pink lipstick roses, you’re gonna see an array of licianthus, spray roses that are all in that rich, beautiful pink tone.”
To cap things off at their pink party, North Loop Wine & Spirits provided glasses of rosé for those in attendance.
By Mike Binkley, North Loop volunteer