Volunteers Needed To Spruce Up Playground Beds Saturday
Nearly all the beautification efforts we’ve seen over the past five years along our riverfront have been led by volunteers–from the massive removal of invasive species to the planting of new trees and flowers.
And we need a big group of volunteers to turn out this Saturday, June 8th at 10 am, as we once again work to improve the flower beds around the playground.
We’ll plant new flowers and greenery, lay down fresh mulch and try to solve some of the problems we’ve had with plants being trampled by children or eaten by rabbits.
Volunteer crews will help put a little fencing around the beds as well as bring up logs and branches from the woods to put down along walking paths through the beds so they’re more clearly-marked. The fencing will hopefully steer the rabbits away.
“Oh my gosh, the cone flowers were just devoured to the bottom,” said Cristy Blake, board member with the North Loop Neighborhood Association. “And then one type of shrub as well.”
Wheel barrows, gloves and other supplies will all be provided. No need to register in advance. Please just show up on Saturday and someone will let you know how you can help.
This effort is part of our monthly Service Saturday, which also includes litter pickup starting at 9:30am outside Corner Coffee, 514 North 3rd Street. Bags and gloves provided for this as well.
By Mike Binkley, North Loop volunteer