Washington Avenue Reconstruction Update
Via a March 15 e-newsletter from Hennepin County:
Reconstruction work to resume on Monday, March 27
Starting Monday, March 27, eastbound traffic on Washington Avenue (County Road 152) will be detoured to 4th Street between Hennepin and Park avenues. This detour will remain in place until fall.
Westbound Washington Avenue will remain open through 2017, although some short-term lane reductions are possible.
The closure will allow crews to resume work on the north side of Washington Avenue between 4th and 3rd avenues and to begin work on the south side of Washington Avenue between 2nd and Hennepin Avenues. Crews are removing and replacing utilities, as well as reconstructing the road and sidewalks. New traffic signals will be installed. And, there will be a new cycle track (off-street bike path) on both sides of the road.
When complete this fall, the Washington Avenue reconstruction project will:
• Improve the driving surface, curbs, gutters and medians
• Add dedicated turn lanes at key intersections
• Provide more space for pedestrians and shorten crossing distances at intersections
• Provide one-way cycle tracks, or protected bike lanes
Contact us
Project website: www.hennepin.us/washingtonavenue
Project email: washingtonave@hennepin.us
Project phone: 612-543-3722
See active projects on our interactive road construction map.
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