Bike Checkups And Kids’ Safety Lessons On June 8th
Now that many of us have pulled our bikes out of storage–and others are starting to ride for the first time–the North Loop Neighborhood Association is partnering with Freewheel Bike to help the biking season get off to a good start.
From 9:30 to noon on Saturday, June 8th, Freewheel will offer low-cost “ABC safety checks” in James Rice Park.
“First, A is air in the tires,” said North Loop board member David Crary. “Brakes is the B, so they check your brakes. And then C is the chain. So the core parts of your bike will get a quick tuneup.”
They’ll ask for a $10 donation–half for the mechanic who’s doing the check and half to help the North Loop Neighborhood Association.
They’ll also have children’s bikes and helmets on hand to help young people safely learn how to start riding.
There’s no advance registration. Just show up near the playground at James Rice Park on Saturday morning.
By Mike Binkley, North Loop volunteer