Big Tree Planting Party Being Planned
The North Loop is not only about to get one of the top items on its wish list—more trees—it’s also getting a big block party with live music, a beer garden, food trucks and other entertainment to go along with the planting.
About 130 new trees will be planted during the party on April 24th, mostly along what’s currently one of the neighborhood’s least leafy roads: 3rd Street North between 5th and 10th Avenues. It’s part of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s annual Arbor Day Celebration, and they’ll be looking for volunteers to help plant and sponsor the trees. Arborists will be on hand to give instruction and provide information on helping trees survive and thrive in urban environments.
Sign up for the tree planting starts at 4pm on the day of the event. Trees will planted in ½ hour planting waves starting at 4:30, 5:00, 5:30, 6:00 and 6:30. No pre-registration is required. Sign up is first-come first-serve for each planting wave. Look for the “Plant Trees Here” sign up table. Have a question about volunteering to plant trees? Email Sherry Brooks at sbrooks@minneapolisparks.org.
From 4:00 – 8:00 pm, several blocks of 3rd Street North will be closed to vehicle traffic for the block party.

Two live bands will be performing, North Loop breweries will offer “tree-themed beers” in the beer garden and other activities will be offered, like lawn games, bucket truck rides and a play zone. Modist Brewing will host an afterparty at 8:00pm.
The trees will be planted in sections left open for landscaping last summer by Minneapolis road crews when they gave 3rd Street a complete overhaul.
About 30 different types of trees will be added, including oak, hackberry, birch and linden, as well as several flowering varieties like cherry, tree lilac and crabapple trees.
“By purposefully planting many different types of trees, we grow a more resilient urban forest to address current challenges and future conditions (such as a changing climate and invasive pests),” said Philip Potyondy, the sustainable forestry coordinator for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board.