On Wednesday, April 29th from 4-8pm, $1 per pint sold will benefit Women's Advocates in St. Paul, the nation's first shelter for women and their children escaping domestic violence. More...
NLNA Board Agenda - April 29 2020 Final (2) Please note: Board Meeting will be held via Zoom Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82570111653 The North Loop Neighborhood Association Board of Directors...
P+Z Agenda May 2020 MEETING WILL BE HELD ON-LINE AND IS OPEN TO ALL JOIN ZOOM MEETING: HTTPS://US02WEB.ZOOM.US/J/84408108060 The Planning+Zoning Committee supports the overall mission of the North Loop Neighborhood...
Help keep the North Loop looking its best! Plan a cleaning party or join your neighbors for our monthly cleanup: Litter pick-up on Washington Avenue and surrounding neighborhood streets, sidewalks...
UPDATE (5/29): The North Loop Virtual Spring Crawl has been postponed due to the current state of our community. While we understand the importance of supporting the small businesses in...
As the largest farmer-managed market in the state of Minnesota, we have made a collective decision to close the Minneapolis Farmers Market this weekend. Monday, June 1st we will continue our...