Cub Scout Pack 33
Minneapolis Cub Scout Pack 33 is a new pack for families in Minneapolis, including Downtown, Kenwood, Lowry Hill, North Loop, Northeast Loring Park, Elliot Park, Uptown and More!
Coming Up! Back To Fall Picnic Potluck! Wed Aug 30th 6pm Kenwood Park – Come meet the Pack and find out what Cub Scouts and Pack 33 is like!
Cub Scout Pack 33 is Chartered by Westminster Presbyterian Church and Sponsored by Boy Scout Troop 33. Pack 33 is an inclusive and welcoming group and any boys 5-10 are welcome to check out the group.
Planning is underway for 2017-2018. We plan to go camping with Troop 33 twice, Rock Climbing and Archery at Base Camp, Council “Polar Cubs” daycamp in January, several field trips, plus the classics like Pinewood Derby.
We had a great program last year. In January we went to Polar Cubs at Rum River and had outdoor fun learning to fly kites at the Lake Harriet Kite Festival. Touring the Red Bull Crashed Ice course was really neat. The Pinewood derby was a great success with huge growth over last year! Our Blue and Gold dinner was Friday April 21st, and finally in May we had a great turn out at Interstate Park with a lot of fun camping with Troop 33!
Read about the Pack Here! Downtown Families Article
Photos of activities are posted to our Facebook page, you can see pictures of the years activities here. Click on the link below to check out the past events.
Cub Scout Pack 33 Facebook Page
We also are committed to service – our Spring Service project was Earth Day Cleanup at Boom Island Park with the North Loop Association – besides cleaning up our city we saw a lot of nature along the river!
Pack 33 uses CubTrails for pack management – Pack and Den communication and tracking advancement. You can link to CubTrails here. If you are a parent you will have a login invitation email – if you need this resent please email.
For some general Cub Scout Program check out the pack handbook under “Resources”.
If you have any questions or want to learn more about Pack 33 or Cub Scouts please feel free to contact
Cub Master, Mike Hess [612.804.1599 or mikehess30@yahoo.com]