
The Joyful Life: A Wellness Boutique LLC

The Joyful Life Boutique is fully committed to helping people find their peace, feel better, and create an oasis in our busy lives.

About Lejoy Nichols
I am a certified Reiki Master/Teacher and in December of 2005, I finished my Aromatherapy Certification with the American College of Herbal Science with honors. I am also a certified Massage Therapist, Esthetician, Health/Life Coach, and Peer Support Specialist.

As far back as I can remember, I have been called to help people feel better. When I took a massage class for the first time and learned how, I felt like that was exactly what I was supposed to be doing. And I’m pretty darn good at it, so say my clients.

While massage is often thought of as a luxury, that’s not the only thing that it is. Yes, it does pamper, but it also has a well-documented ability to create a positive therapeutic change.

When experienced on a regular basis, massage can benefit your health by itself, but especially when added to a self-care regimen.

Reiki is a gentle yet powerful, hands-on, natural healing method. Simply put, it can be described as a Japanese technique of relaxation that promotes healing. It is a safe, self-contained natural healing system and is complete and whole in and of itself. However, it can be used contemporaneously with other types of healing, such as Aromatherapy, Holistic Medicine, and Traditional Medicine. It’s a simple method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use and anyone can learn. It can be used to balance all which is out of balance in your life.

Thermal Wellness Pod
Introducing a revolutionary wellness pod service at The Joyful Life, designed to enhance your well-being and provide a unique and rejuvenating experience. The state-of-the-art wellness pod can initiate a transformative journey toward improved health, relaxation, and weight loss.

Workshops and Classes
Find a wide variety of workshops and classes centered around wellness, art, cooking, and more designed to improve the Whole you!

Aromatherapy can be defined as the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromantic essences from nature to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind and spirit. It is an art and science which seeks to explore the physiological, psychological, and spiritual levels of an individual’s response to aromantic extracts. The art of Aromatherapy is also designed to observe and enhance the individual’s innate healing process. It is a holistic medicine used as both a compliment to traditional medicine to help prevent illness and actively treat acute and chronic illness or disease as well as promote a more natural and healthy lifestyle.

One thing that I have realized as the most important factor in health coaching is that it’s not my job to tell someone what health looks like for them. It could be something as simple as decluttering a room in your home so that you can live a less mentally cluttered home life, all the way up to wanting to lose a hundred pounds for the health of it or anything else in between. In my opinion, health and life coaching aren’t but could be the same thing. It’s all about creating a change in your life for the better. My job is to teach coping skills and workarounds, and encourage ritualistic behaviors to create the change you want to see in your life.

The practice of Meditation, a type of complimentary medicine that helps mind, body and spirit, has been documented as far back as 1500 BCE. Many people don’t practice meditation, but studies show it’s necessary to our well-being. Another brief definition is that it’s a technique of relaxation and deep concentration that can benefit a person on multiple levels. Everyone on the planet needs some form of meditation! The benefits are numerous and plentiful.

Address and Contact Information

126 N 3rd Street
Suite 425
Minneapolis, MN 55401

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