My paintings are an exploration of the natural world – a place to search and discover new ways of seeing the world. Both in nature and in abstract painting there are rules as to how different elements fit together. Finding the rules and playing with them or trying to bend or break them is where the work starts.
The elements of my paintings come from working with the materials, and finding out how they best create space, forms, lines and color, along with weight, gravity, movement and time.
Creating a painting does allow for stillness for a short time – the discovery moment. But it is also moving, and that is what pushes the art into being; it is a record of the path traveled. In abstraction, all the elements are initially free from associations. As a work progresses, combinations of elements pull the piece in many directions, but it finds a natural balance between its many states of non-representation.
Painting, to me, is like any kind of inventing and creating something new is the ultimate goal. It absorbs history and grows or contributes to it. The combination of personal growth and collective growth moves the field along.
Opening Reception | Saturday, April 28, 3–6 pm
Artist in attendance
Exhibition on View | April 28–June 9
Gallery Hours: Tues–Fri 1–6 pm & Sat 11–4 pm or by appointment
612.332.2386 | 210 N 1st St | Mpls MN 55401
Above: AT35 (detail), 20″ x 20″, resin on panel