North Loop Nominated For Greening Awards — Here’s How To Vote
As we continue our transition from an industrial/warehouse district to a residential/business/entertainment district, the North Loop is starting to get noticed for our greening efforts.
The Minneapolis Downtown Improvement District is bringing back their Greening and Public Realm Awards, and the North Loop has three nominations.
We’re up for “Best Neighborhood” and we have two nominees for “Entryway and Outdoor Cafe Greening”–The Freehouse (above) for their grasses, flowers and trees around the patio, and 5th Avenue Lofts for their beautiful gardens and tree-lined sidewalk.
You can vote between now and August 15th. Each nominee has a sign with a QR code directing you to the DID’s site.
If they’re taking nominations for next year, we’d have them check out the green transformation of the Fulton Taproom’s patio and public realm, as well as patios like Thr3 Jack and Monte Carlo.
By Mike Binkley, North Loop volunteer