Wagyu Burgers, Bubble Drinks, Bacon Candy Returning
Forced to close by the pandemic just a month after its grand opening, Trax Burgers and Bar is reopening this week, July 8th, with plenty of spacing between its outdoor tables and the ability to open its garage doors to give the indoor section an open-air feel as well.
Trax opened in mid-February, perfectly situated to attract big crowds of music fans attending concerts at the new Fillmore in the same building, and then Twins fans going to and from Target Field a block away. But even with those two venues closed to fans indefinitely, general manager Tad Dugan believes Trax can get through this period on its own merits.
“One of the big things we have is a great location in the North Loop,” Dugan said. “I’m excited to eat the food, I’m excited to build our customer base back up and really establish ourselves as a stand-alone restaurant without the aspect of music right next door.”
Most of the items on the original menu will be back, including the Wagyu Burger and Trax Burger, with a few seasonal changes to the beer lineup. The cocktail lineup is unchanged. “The bubble drink will still be there,” Dugan said. “All things that people got to love–for the one month that we were open.”
Dugan is also the general manager of the Fillmore, and says it’s still uncertain how soon any concert venue will be able to reopen in the U.S. But in the coming weeks, he hopes to start scheduling some nights when a live entertainer can perform at the far corner of the restaurant.
“We’re starting off a little bit slow and cautious,” he said, “and I just think in this state of the world, that’s the best way to go about this business right now.”
Trax will be open four days a week to start, Wednesday through Saturday.
By Mike Binkley, North Loop Neighborhood Association