Stay in the Loop

Hennepin Avenue Reconstruction (Washington Avenue-12th Street)

Project Background:
Due to poor existing pavement condition, Hennepin Avenue between Washington Avenue and 12th Street is programmed in the City’s Capital Improvement Program for reconstruction in 2020. Public Works is conducting preliminary planning work in 2016 in order to submit an application for federal transportation funding that would support the project in addition to MSA and local funding.

Existing Conditions:
Hennepin Avenue is both a street and a destination. On average, people make over 48,000 trips per day along Hennepin Avenue including 8,100 transit trips, 7,600 pedestrian trips, and 1,300 bicycle trips. Hennepin Avenue is also recognized by the City as a cultural district with multiple theaters, arts institutions, and entertainment venues. The existing right-of-way along the corridor varies between 88-100 feet with a typical street width of 59 feet.

Project Scope:
The Access Minneapolis Transportation Plan, adopted by City Council in 2009, provides guidance for the design of Hennepin Avenue. The scope of the 2020 reconstruction project provides an opportunity to move existing curb lines and design the street for current and future needs. Available right-of-way is limited, but the project will aim to provide the following design elements:

  • Sidewalk area able to support pedestrian activities with space for planting and furnishing zones
  • Space for enhanced transit stops compatible with future Arterial Bus Rapid Transit service
  • Protected bikeway separated from motor vehicle traffic
  • Roadway design that can maintain an acceptable level of service for transit and motor vehicles – Hennepin Avenue is assumed to remain as a two-way street

Public Works will be conducting a technical evaluation of Hennepin to understand where opportunities exist to move curb lines and improve the experience of pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users.

Project Schedule and Public Input:
In order to submit a successful application for federal transportation funding, Public Works is planning to have a preferred street concept approved by City Council in May of 2016. Public Works will be engaging stakeholders in the winter and spring of 2016 to understand what design elements are important to consider for Hennepin Avenue. Should the project be awarded federal funding, there would be opportunities in 2017 or later for the public to provide input on specific design details.

  • Winter/Spring 2016: Technical evaluation, public engagement and community meetings
  • May of 2016: Seek City Council approval of preferred street concept
  • July of 2016: Submit application for federal transportation grant, through the Met Council
  • 2017-2019: Detailed street design and engineering
  • 2020: Program year for project construction, schedule and staging TBD

Contact: Simon Blenski, Minneapolis Public Works, 612-673-5012

Project Materials:
Hennepin Project Info Sheet (PDF)
(Note: Project information may change due to scheduling, weather, or other factors outside of our control. Listings will be updated as new information becomes available.) Citizens concerned with pedestrian access during construction should contact the project manager directly.

Last updated Jan 22, 2016

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