UPDATE (5/29): The North Loop Virtual Spring Crawl has been postponed due to the current state of our community. While we understand the importance of supporting the small businesses in...
As the largest farmer-managed market in the state of Minnesota, we have made a collective decision to close the Minneapolis Farmers Market this weekend. Monday, June 1st we will continue our...
The Planning+Zoning Committee supports the overall mission of the North Loop Neighborhood Association to promote a climate of safety, livability and improvement through public neighborhood meetings, communication and advocacy with...
We're clearing out invasive vines and other overgrowth in the woods along the river--and we need YOUR help! Tools and gloves provided. We'll meet near the playground at 10:00 am.
NLNA Board Agenda - June 2020.v2 Please note: NLNA Board Meetings are being held via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88470048043?pwd=Q3Zza3BydGp2UkN2N3VQaFRtYWFIdz09 Call-in #: 312-626-6799 (mtg ID: 884 7004 8043) Password: 855375 The North Loop...
Help keep the North Loop looking its best! Plan a cleaning party or join your neighbors for our monthly cleanup: Trash pick-up on Washington Avenue and surrounding neighborhood streets, sidewalks...
We're clearing out invasive vines and other overgrowth in the woods along the river--and we need YOUR help! Tools and gloves provided. We'll meet near the playground at 10:00 am.
RSVP @ www.MplsCrimePlan.eventbrite.com All Minneapolis businesses are invited to attend a crime plan briefing & conversation addressing the recent uptick in activities impacting businesses, retailers and neighborhoods. No cost to...
Enjoy live demonstrations from restaurants and a "QVC-style" shopping experience from small businesses in the North Loop. The continuation of the North Loop Virtual Spring Crawl will take place on...
We're clearing out invasive vines and other overgrowth in the woods along the river--and we need YOUR help! Tools and gloves provided. We'll meet near the playground at 10:00 am.