Monthly meeting of the Friends of Webster PTA.
Monthly meeting of the Friends of Webster PTA.
Monthly meeting of the Friends of Webster PTA. Hosted by Friends of Webster.
Monthly meeting of the Friends of Webster PTA. Hosted by Friends of Webster.
There are no presentations nor requested agenda items, thus the January 2021 meeting is cancelled. The Planning+Zoning Committee supports the overall mission of the North Loop Neighborhood Association to promote...
Please note: NLNA Board Meetigs are being held via Zoom. Call-in #: 513-760-6983 (mtg ID: 882 6608 4387) NLNA Board Agenda - January 20 2021 The North Loop Neighborhood...
The annual meeting of the North Loop Neighborhood Association usually draws hundreds of people, as we celebrate all that we’ve accomplished in the previous year, set our goals and priorities...
This year, I'll be continuing periodic "virtual coffee" meetings for Ward 3 residents to drop in, ask questions, discuss any issues you see in the community, or just have a chat...