Happy Hour/Annual Meeting Sets New Attendance Record
Despite moving to a new, unconventional location–the 7th floor of an office tower–the North Loop Neighborhood Association’s Happy Hour/Annual Meeting drew an estimated 575 people this year, a new record.
With Mayor Jacob Frey on hand to speak to the crowd and local businesses offering free samples of food and drink along with valuable prizes to give away, the crowd was already sizable by the time the happy hour officially started at 5:30.
“Our 2024 Annual Meeting and Happy Hour was a celebration of all things North Loop,” said longtime NLNA board member Scott Woller, who organized the event. “The spotlight was directly on the amazing people that make our community great as well over 500 people filled the room.”
All three incumbents: Scott, board president Diane Merrifield and Jeff Sondag were re-elected to two-year terms at the meeting. And five newcomers will be joining the board: Andrew Morse and Charlie Carlson (two-year terms), along with Kristi Hamilton, Sarah Sundahl and Louis Raymond (one-year terms).
We always celebrate our volunteers (including our volunteer board members) at the meeting. If you missed it but would like to see some of the videos that we featured click on these links to hear Board Members Look Back on 2023, Transformation of our riverside park area, Police Chief Brian O’Hara, Council member Michael Rainville, county commission chair Irene Fernando and Meet The Candidates.
The crowd also took a few snapshot polls during the meeting. Check out the results
By Mike Binkley, North Loop volunteer