Minneapolis leading on climate change
According to the recent score card done by The American Council For an Energy-Efficient Economy, the City of Minneapolis ranks 7th in the nation for its energy work. What was mentioned in that ranking is a key piece of our work, the Minneapolis Clean Energy Partnership, an innovative partnership between the City of Minneapolis, CenterPoint Energy and Xcel Energy. This first-in-the nation partnership works to achieve very aggressive climate targets laid out in the Minneapolis Climate Action Plan.
The Minneapolis Climate Action Plan calls for an 80% reduction in carbon by 2050. Additionally, 18 businesses participated in the City’s Green Business Program, resulting in 14,923 lbs of pollution reduction annually (not including CO2). A wide variety of businesses participated, including dry cleaners, auto body shops, multi-family residential, industrial, a parking lot, a church, restaurant, and other small businesses. As we do with all of our work, we conduct our climate change work with an equity lens.
Finally, the City of Minneapolis is currently establishing Green Zones alongside community stakeholders. These Green Zones establish areas for investment where there has been historical under-investment. It focuses programs like the Green Business Cost Share Program and other financial tools like those offered by Community Planning and Economic Development in areas of the highest inequity in our city.
Source: Excerpted from Jacob Frey April 26 e-newsletter.