North Loop Getting Two Electric Vehicles For Car Sharing
As walkable as our neighborhood is, many North Loop residents would like to be free from owning a car (along with all the expenses that come with it) but there are still times when they absolutely have to drive.
That’s where the car-sharing organization HOURCAR has found a niche, allowing drivers to have cars for anywhere from 30 minutes to three days. And it’s about to add two more vehicles, both electric, to its North Loop fleet.
They’ll be stationed in the alley at the back (or north) end of the new Intersect apartment tower, which is set to open this month behind lululemon. The cars will be available to the general public, not just residents of Intersect.
They’re in addition to the ones that HOURCAR has had at North Loop’s Sunrise Banks location for the past seven years.
“We are continuing to provide more tools to reduce dependency on personally owned vehicles while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions,” said HOURCAR spokesperson James Vierling.
The 96-unit Intersect apartment building will most likely open within the next two weeks. Eric Martin, development executive with the project’s developer, Crowe Companies, said prospective tenants have been asking about options like this.
“For residents who are interested in trying a car-less lifestyle, it really offers them an affordable way to do so,” he said.
To find out how the HOURCAR service works, click here to visit their website.
By Mike Binkley, North Loop volunteer