Annual Meeting Agenda, Board Candidates & Zoom Link
The countdown is on… looking forward to seeing our neighbors on Wednesday!
Here’s the meeting agenda: NLNA-Agenda-1-25-2023
Here’s a quick overview of nominees for the board. Six seats are being voted on – 3 open seats and 3 current board members running for reelection. 2023-Nominations v2
NLNA Annual Meeting Minutes 1.26.22
Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, January 25
At The Fillmore Minneapolis • 525 N 5th St MPLS
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84810643327
5:30 pm • Happy Hour. Food, drinks, music, business and nonprofit tables, engagement opportunities, and featuring your neighbors.
7:00 pm • Annual Meeting. Introduction to board member nominees, board election, neighborhood updates, dignitary presentations, volunteer & involvement opportunities, opportunity to give input on 2023 neighborhood priorities & more