Wait, Why Is A Building Rolling Down The Block?
After 130 years along 1st Street North, a two-story building took a slow roll to a new spot on 2nd Avenue Saturday as onlookers captured the unusual sight on their phones.
“Woke up to see a building in the middle of the street,” wrote one resident on Instagram.
It’s a temporary move for the historic building. Once the developer of a new hotel/restaurant/retail project builds underground parking at the site, the building will be moved back, renovated and incorporated into the project.
It’s a protected structure, considered to be a contributing part of the historic Warehouse District, so demolition wasn’t option. Another historic building, the Commutator, is also being renovated and incorporated into the development.
It’s slated to be complete in 2023.
By Mike Binkley, North Loop volunteer

Before the move (Photo: Greiner Construction)