Stay in the Loop

Residents Celebrate New Signs

With the installation of two new stop signs on 2nd Street North at 5th Avenue North, there’s finally something to slow down drivers on what’s become a dangerous—and even deadly—stretch...

North Loop Playground Closed For Now

Since the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board was getting so many reports of people violating social distancing guidelines in area parks, playgrounds and athletic courts, it has decided to restrict...

Mask Contest Draws Dozens of Entries

From repurposed Homer Hankies to a homemade Mister Rogers mask, our neighbors came through with many colorful entries in our face mask contest on Facebook. The North Loop Neighborhood Association was...

Billy Tserenbat is a restaurateur with a big personality and optimistic outlook. So when restaurants were forced to shut down or limit their business to take-out—just as he was building...

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