Monthly meeting of the Friends of Webster PTA.
Monthly meeting of the Friends of Webster PTA. Hosted by Friends of Webster.
Monthly meeting of the Friends of Webster PTA. Hosted by Friends of Webster.
We're clearing out invasive vines and other overgrowth in the woods along the river--and we need YOUR help! Tools and gloves provided. We'll meet near the playground at 10:00 am.
MEETING WILL BE HELD ON-LINE AND IS OPEN TO ALL JOIN ZOOM MEETING: HTTPS://US02WEB.ZOOM.US/J/87057277544 P+Z Agenda July 2020 The Planning+Zoning Committee supports the overall mission of the North Loop Neighborhood...
The Minneapolis Charter Commission has proposed another possible change to the City Charter, our City's constitution, and will seek public input on this proposal. This new proposal removes minimum funding...