Parks+Public Art Committee

Parks+Public Art Committee

The Parks + Public Art Committee (P+P) is dedicated to the planning, design, development, and care of North Loop public spaces. Through a community-centered approach, the committee works closely with city and local partners to connect the North Loop neighborhood residents and businesses to current and upcoming public space developments through discussion, engagement, and volunteerism.

Meeting Time & Place

NEW LOCATION: Itasca Event Gallery Meetings Are Being Held In Person And Via Zoom on The 2nd to the Second Wednesday of the month.

2nd Wednesday of every month

Itasca Event Gallery
706 North 1st Street
Minneapolis 55401

6:00 – 7:30 pm

All meetings of the board and any committees are open to any Member of the board, and to all general Members. Typically, no meeting in December.

P+P Committee Members

David Crary (chair)*

Cristy Blake*

Patty Connelly

Jan Elftmann

Grant Johnson

Andrew Morse*

Louis Raymond*

* Current board member

Parks+Public Art 2023 Highlights / Facts

Planning, design, development and care of North Loop public spaces.

  • James Rice Park: Volunteers planted 130 young trees, in partnership with Minneapolis Parks & Recreation (MPRB) Forestry, half Oak and other hardwoods, in natural areas on both sides of Bassett Creek Outlet. Going into winter, we have 200 healthy new trees in the ground (including 2021 planting event), each one protected, color-coded, and monitored year-round.
  • Volunteers: 100+ individual volunteers recorded 1,000+ work hours; welcomed new Volunteer Service groups, Substance Church (downtown) and U.S. Bank. 
  • Fourth Avenue Playground: Mulched garden beds and planted 300 daffodil bulbs; volunteer group watered and weeded garden beds weekly June – October. Mulch Day is quickly becoming a favorite annual event! 
  • Dog Park: Continued to maintain 3rd Street dog park grounds, fund park lighting and provide doggie bags
  • Parkland Dedication Fees: Progress made on gaining support from MPRB for use of North Loop earmarked fees for funding park improvements – 3rd Street Park and James I. Rice Park
  • Organics recycling: Continued to maintain two community organics sites and increase participation in spite of neighborhood construction; held two community educational events and developed a turnkey process to help residential buildings adopt organics recycling
  • Tree watering: Continued our neighborhood watering program for new & second year trees with volunteer help and a commercial watering service; inventoried dead or diseased trees and open spots for spring 2024 planting
  • North Loop Light Pole Signs: Identified North Loop signs needing repair or replacement; installation in process. 
  • North Loop Arts Vision, Mission and Priorities: Welcomed an experienced and dedicated arts volunteer to lead our North Loop Public Arts efforts; building a structure and process to guide future arts initiatives; exploring new opportunities

2024 Committee Priorities

  • Work with MPRB on 3rd Street Park improvements
  • Raise funding for 3rd Street Park improvements
  • Raise funding for James Rice Park River bank expansion and enhancements
  • Develop full season of Service Saturday events and activities
  • Develop Public Art plan for the North Loop
  • Continue to develop an urban tree planting program that is unique to the North Loop urban environment
  • Continue to develop organic recycling in the community

Parks+Public Art (P+P) Committee Charter

Membership and Authority

The North Loop Association board of directors will appoint committees by resolution and delegate to these committees such powers and responsibilities as it may from time to time deem appropriate. Any Member of the General Membership is eligible to serve on and participate in these committees. All actions taken by a committee that are not explicitly granted by the board shall be forwarded to the board, which shall have the right to alter, accept, or reject these actions. At the time that a committee is formed, the board shall appoint a temporary chair and thereafter the committee Members shall elect the committee’s chairperson or two co-chairpersons. The board will identify the committee as either standing or temporary and shall identify the major purpose, term, and tasks of that committee in writing.

Vision / Mission

The Parks + Public Art Committee is dedicated to the planning, design, development, and care of North Loop public spaces. Through a community-centered approach, the committee works closely with city and local partners to connect the North Loop neighborhood residents and businesses to current and upcoming public space developments through discussion, engagement, and volunteerism.


The Parks + Public Are Committee will leverage community and partner-organization insights and expertise to:

  • Provide recommendations on public space design, development, and implementation
  • Promote volunteerism to encourage the community to invest their time in public space improvements
  • Communicate with the neighborhood through NLNA to educate and engage NL residents


The committee will elect annually two committee members to co-chair the committee. At least one of the elected members to co-chair the committee will be from the Board of Directors of the North Loop Association.

Committee Members

Committee membership shall consist of 9 individuals. At least one member of the committee will be from the Board of Directors of the North Loop Neighborhood Association. Any member of the General Membership of the North Loop Neighborhood Association is eligible to participate in the Parks + Public Are Committee. Individuals interested in joining the committee will be asked to submit their name to the Committee co-chairs, and a formal slate of candidates will be created. The slate of candidates will then be submitted to the North Loop Neighborhood Association Board for approval of candidates. The current committee co-chairs will also provide recommendations to the North Loop Neighborhood Association Board for committee member selection.

Term of Service

Two-year staggered term, renewable annually in February.


Open positions will be filled on an as-needed basis determined by the committee.

Meeting Schedule

Meetings held on the 2nd Wednesday of each Month, approximately 1 hour each. It is strongly recommended that Committee members do not miss more than two consecutive scheduled meetings.

Meeting Structure

The committee will create minutes or reports of its meetings for board review including dates, roll call information, and decisions made (if any are authorized). 


A majority of the number of committee seats, which are not vacant, shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Members may not conduct any voting business without a quorum present.

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